Wednesday 8 May 2013

So so tired......

I need a new life. It is official.

I have had a week from hell. I have been binging non-stop, stress-related...

We are having complications with the purchase of our property, at work I've made more shit in a week than I have for the past 10 years and I got into a fight on a public chat room with some people from my son's day care. I want to curl up into a ball and die!

I am soooooo tired. Tired of life. Tired of starting over. Tired of never having enough time. Tired of being on-call 24-7... I just want two weeks on a deserted island.

My weight this morning was on 65.4kgs!!!!!! F*&^%$%^&&*(CK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The whole reason I have a tendency to starve is so that I can appear smaller and younger... so people can stop expecting so f*&%cking much of me, and I can't even f*^(*(cking cope with that! I can't seem to f(*&cking cope with anything anymore!

I just want to beat this binge monster! once I stop eating I'll start feeling in control again. I don't care if it's an illusion, it's still better than... now.

Going to bed now. (PS. On top of everything else my day time internet has been "paused" for using too much bandwidth, so I have to wait till past 11 to post.)

I so badly need to vent and I have NO-ONE to talk to, just this dumb blog that hasn't even got anyone who can respond.


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